MovieChat Forums > Freddy's Nightmares (1988) Discussion > I found a good site to buy freddys night...

I found a good site to buy freddys nightmares from

i found a really good fn set i ordered off this sites forums

you just have to sign up and copy and paste this link after you sign in

it will give you all the details you need to order it there its a 19 disc set 15 discs for episodes which are all really good quality and 4 disc of unreleased nightmare extras its a legit fan made set i got mine a week ago anybody that has been looking for this should check this out



i know they never has been a legit set relesed of this and probally never will be but i got it and its a really good probally the best you could ever get besides a real one all you have to do is sign up sign in and copy and paste the link and it should take right to it i thought i was pretty clear in saying that



what i meant by legit is that it was a real fan made set its not a con and that you will get it if you order it i know it was a fan made set because i know there has never been one released and if you look on the forum it even tells you i said to copy and paste the link after you sign in and go to it whenever i sign in it worked for me i read and dont see how someone could get confused over the directions
