MovieChat Forums > Freddy's Nightmares (1988) Discussion > Light at the End of the Tunnel video sto...

Light at the End of the Tunnel video store observation

I DVR'ed this episode on Chiller and I was interested to see what posters, ads and cardboard cut outs they had in the video store.

As a big Evil Dead fan, I was happy to see the scene start off with a nice Evil Dead 2 ad hanging from the ceiling...I wish I owned that ad. I actually took a picture of it with my camera incase I wanted to post it on an Evil Dead fan site.

I also noticed cut outs for "Good Morning Vietnam", "Critters", and the original "Die Hard"

Now, I'm not sure of the actual video release dates for these movies...but they were all theatrically released between 1987 and 1988.

IMDB has a release of 1986 for Critters...but that could either be incorrect, or just the year it was actually filmed. Critters 2 was 1988, but I'm pretty sure the cut out was for the original...unless they recycled the original and just threw a subtle 2 in there.

Judging by the time frame of these movies and the fact that this episode aired in 1989 and was possibly shot in 1988...I assume that this episode was shot at a real video store and those ads were really just there at the time. I don't think they were chosen as a homage to those particular movies...although I'd like to think the close up of the Evil Dead 2 thing to start things off was intentional.

Talk about over analyzing a forgotten episode of a forgotten series.


I noticed there was a Lost Boys poster too.

But I always assumed that FN takes place SOMEWHERE in the 90s, if you link them to canon to the series that's the only way it'd make sense. I know one timeline places them around 1996-97 Between parts 5 and 6.

Question your prejudices.
