Questions about the episode Mothers Day
In the first half of the episode does it seem like the mom was a little TO friendly with her son? I know it was part of the dream he was having but it just seemed a little creepy to me after he tells her he's accidentally killed her husband and shes all ok with it and tells him they just needed a house and now things can go back to the way they used to be just the two of them...
Also, in the second half of the episode when the radio shrink is in jail and "Wendy" keeps calling her we hear her yelling at the doctor in a chipmunk voice, and right before the doctor hangs up on her I could have sworn she yells F YOU! into the phone, the chipmunk voice makes it kind of hard to hear but that's what it sounds like. This show really got away with alot of stuff like that come to think of it. Am I the only one who caught this?
What if the Hokey Pokey really IS what it's all about??? ô¿ô