Episode help, *spoilers*
In the earily 90's I once saw one of the wickedest episodes of anything I've ever seen + I think it was on this show. There were definitely two versions of the episode: one edited, and one unedited...
It was a really unsettling deal about a girl who gets kidnapped by some hunters or something; I think they had ski masks and whatnot + maybe they let her loose in the woods and hunter her. Not sure, but I remember at the end of it they killed her and they were driving around with the girl straped to the passanger-side front fender of the car like you would see hunter's do with a deer kill.
It was ablsolutely over the top + I saw the episode a couple of times and only once did I see the unedited version with the girl strapped to the hood of the car; all the rest of the times that part was cut out and so was a bunch of other stuff.