I just found this show even existed a couple years ago but never looked into and just found out Freddy aka: Robert was more of a host and just talked at the start like twilight zone pretty much it says on wikipedia...
The reason Wacko Jacko died is because it's heart just couldn't BEAT IT anymore.
I wasn't sure if I would like it but he is in quite a few episodes and the ones he was more hosting, I still liked. And his hosting was funny, just the stuff he says. I'd say try it out. It took me a few episodes and now I love it.
BUT even in a lot of the ones he's not involved in the plots of, his presense is still visible, like when they are in a nightmare things showup as red and green. And he is refrenced in a lot of episodes that he's not in, and still known as the town legend, I think it's neat.
I think think this show's very much about Freddy dicking with peoples' minds in a more subtle way than the films. He is the master manipulator of the surreal events taking place around the characters.
Does anyone else think the show takes place between Nightmare 5 and Freddy's Dead? I think this would explain the ten-year chronological gap and the fact there are no more kids in Springwood.
Yeah I like to think Freddy's Nightmares is what was going on between parts 5 and 6, except of course for No More Mr Nice Guy, Sister's Keeper, and BloodLines, they would be prequels to the first movies.
But really a lot of people don't cionsider FN canon to the movies, for one thing the timeline is all wrong, No More Mr Nice Guy and Sister's Keep SHOULD have taken place in the late 60s to early 70s but you can tell it's clearly in the 80s lol But as long as something doesn't direcly contradict the movies I say they're canon :)
And honestly I really like the episodes Freddy's not directly involved in, it gives us a chance to see the Springwood beyond Elm Street and to see it's kooky inhabitants and the whole Twilight Zone insane town.
I think originally they intended Freddy to be involved in all of the episodes, but as someone mentioned it would have gotten very repeatetive and b/c basically every episode would just be about Freddy killing a bunch of people then the next episode a new bunch coming in and Freddy killing them, I mean there's only so much you could do and so many plots you could use had Freddy been in all the episodes, and it being such a low budget series Freddy wouldn't really be able to do the things he did in the movies effects wise. It would have gotten old pretty fast, PLUS they said they didn't want to use up all the possible plot ideas that they MIGHT wanna use for further movie sequels.
Just because we lose today's battle doesn't mean we've lost tommorow's war.
It's a really GREAT series!!! I think any avid NOES fan would like it.
What makes it different from Tales from the Crypt or Twilight Zone is the fact,keeping in tradition with the NOES movies, all the episodes have to do with dreams and nightmares and all take place in Springwood and usually on Elm Street even if Freddy is not there. And it IS Freddy indirectly influecing the dreams and nightmares.
What's neat is you get to see more of Springwood beyond just Freddy and Elm Street, to me anyway.
I disagree with the OP, the name of this series is Freddy's Nightmares, and that's exactly what it is about, FREDDY'S NIGHTMARES.
Though Freddy himself might not be involved in most of the plots, he IS the one creating the nightmares, so the title means just what it says.
And I get so tired of hearing people complain about how Freddy is not in most of the episodes, b/c Freddy is in ALL of the episodes, he's just not involved in most of the plots.
Just because we lose today's battle doesn't mean we've lost tommorow's war.
Before I watched this series I was thinking Freddy would be the main character in ALL 44 episodes, and I was thinking, how many plot ideas can they come up with!? So I was actually pleased with how they handled the series, having plots that have nothing to do with Freddy and him just being a silent lurker in the background.
Just because we lose today's battle doesn't mean we've lost tommorow's war.
Yep, remember in "Killer Instinct", just after the main titles, in the school hallway, we see Freddy walk past and pick up his hat? It's sort of blink and you'll miss it.