Which is better?

is freddys nightmares better than the friday the 13th series? because i dont know which one to get. and do u have to be a freddy fan more than a jason fan to like the series?




The great thing about Freddy's Nightmares, from what I remember, is that there were a small handful of episodes that actually had the storyline of Freddy being the main serial killer. Those were the best episodes, because it was like watching an exclusive Freddy movie [albeit less graphic for TV].

Most other episodes, however, he was just the host of a mixed-bag of horror storylines along the lines of Tales from the Crypt & such.


I loved them both because I use to watch both Freddy's Nightmares and Friday The 13th The Series! Yeah Freddy did make an appearance in a few of the episodes but he was also the host where as Friday The 13th The Series had nothing to do with Jason.

I was always hoping that they would have created something to do with Jason you know. It is a shame that both of these shows did not last very long on TV. I have not seen Freddy's Nightmares in like 20 years since they pulled it off the air but I did catch Friday The 13th The Series on syndication 10 years ago on the SCIFI Channel and then in either the late 80's or early 90's on A&E Channel but then 10 years ago at this time The SCIFI Channel was showing Friday The 13th The Series and I was happy to see that on in syndication!

I liked both of them but I would have to say hands down that Freddy's Nigtmares were a little more creepier than Friday The 13th The Series!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show! http://usa-uan.deefilmroll.com/


I can't imagine a TV series that followed the Jason/Crystal lake story line. It would be an awful monotonous series. They'd run out of material awfully quick. Especially with toned down violence.



I know what you mean but I am surprised that they did not create a cursed hockey mask though that was linked to a serial killer that a high school hockey player, a college hockey player, or someone else did not get creating a new serial killer with a lot of aggression when they wear it.

That would have been cool to see I think.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show! www.deefilmroll.com/usa-uan/


There was one made and was intended to be the end of the series but it was never finished.


That is a shame that they did not finish the show like they planned on doing. That would have been nice if they had done that.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show! www.deefilmroll.com/usa-uan/


freddy's nightmares is way better.. friday the 13th is like a weird detective show kinda, maybe like an early x-files but way goofier and cornier, and lower budget

but then again, i'm not so sure, lol - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjvxWU01qSA


Friday The 13th was more better. Freddy's Nightmares was kinda boring and sometimes stupid with it's stories.


I've never seen Friday the 13th tv series. Is it replaying the episodes on any station?

I've recently started watching Freddy's Nightmares on Chiller and really like it.


friday the 13th the series was great.

sometimes it comes on chiller as marathons. it's on dvd.


The Nightmare series was great.
It had much more clever writing.

Some episodes were sequels and prequels to each other and could be viewed a films really.
Then other epiosdes actualy had 2 stories that would be seperate, but then intertwine to create 1 episode. Kind of multi tiered stroytelling.

One of my fave episodes was "The End Of The World", which (the first half) was about a girl that when dreamed could alter her dreams...and that would have reprocutions on her real life. So she would go back into her dream and change thing that went wrong...it was The Butterfly Effect before The Butterfly Effect existed. The film anyway, not the theory.
Then the second half of the same episode was a different story using the same themes, that multi tiered stroytelling I was talking about.
Featured the same girl, but dreaming of a nuclear attack that would end the world and she had to try to stop it.

Then there was the "No More Mr. Nice Guy" which was a prequel to the original film and told the story of Freddy's trial and when he got burnt. Then there was a sequel to that episode.

There was also an episode (can't recall the nmae) in which a girl escaped a car crash...but it was her time to die so "death" comes after her...it's Final Destination before Final Destination existed.

There were loads of REALLY good epiodes of this show.
As long as you didn't think of them as cannon to the film series and didn't keep expceting Freddy to be in them.
The series really worked well as what it was meant to be, just some (Stephen King-esque) short stories.
I have always thought this would have done better if it did not have any ties to Freddy and the Nightmare films/franchise, cos people kept expecting it to be Freddy heavy.

To be honest, I got more than a little tired of Freddy's interuptions to the stories being told. Some call it "hosting", I call it interrupting.

There really were some very well written and thought out stories in this series.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.


I think both Freddy's Nightmares and F13 The Series were pretty good. Like most shows, some episodes are better than others. I miss the 80s and early 90s because so many of these types of shows were on tv. The Hitchhiker, Tales from the Darkside, Tales from the Crypt, and Monsters were other shows from that time period I really liked.


I liked both series. The F13 series had nothing to do with the movies, though. They only share the same name.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


That's where Id always watch Freddys Nightmares. I feel like Freddys Nightmares was much better considering it still had Robert Englund as freddy, and it also starred Freddy as the killer in a few episodes. Considering that Friday the 13th the series didn't really have anything to do with original films.
