I noticed the Freddy portrayed in Season 1 is alot more scray and the episodes are alot more creepy. Being that it was released at the time of Nightmare 4 were Freddy hadn't become a total clown yet. And you can notice the far superior make-up. Season 2 was released after Nightmare 5 and thats when things went downhill for both the movie franchise and the show. He became a total clown and the make-up was atrocious!! I dont know what possessed the makers of this franchise to change Freddy so much when the old formula worked. Any thoughts??
Yeah the first season did seem to be a little more creepier than the second season even though it has been 20 years since I have seen this show on TV. No one has put it into syndication other than Chiller but I do not get that station though where I live at.
I've only seen a few season 2 episodes and I think its a mixed bag,in season 2 the set design is more realistic ,the acting is slightly better, the episodes as a whole move a bit faster, and it seems like they had more money. However season one had some really good episodes ( Sisters Keeper, No More Mr Nice Guy, the second half of Rebel without a car) but these are kind of few and far between and some of the episodes make no real sense ( ie the bride wore red, judy miller ) overall I think both seasons have something to offer.
I know what you mean about that but it has been ages since I have watched this and I do not currently get Chiller Channel to watch Freddy's Nightmare. That is what usually happens is that in the first season they will not spend that much money on sets and props so it looks cheaply done but if it becomes popular or to add appeal to it then they will make the scripts or story lines better.
That is what I have noticed but then there are shows that last for so many years that as they go on they start to get cheesier or worse and it leads to the shows demise or cancelation. That is what I have noticed in years since I have been watching TV.
it was released at the time of Nightmare 4 were Freddy hadn't become a total clown yet. And you can notice the far superior make-up. Season 2 was released after Nightmare 5 and thats when things went downhill for both the movie franchise and the show.
ummm...actually, Nightmare 4 *WAS* when Freddy became a 'total clown'. The 5th film tried to make the series darker again, like the earlier installments, but the fans wanted none of that. Clownish Freddy sold. Nightmare 4 was a huge hit. The darker Freddy of Part 5 bombed at the box office. So they gave the audience what they wanted, and Freddy's Dead was the most 'clownish' and 'cartoonish of them all.
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I'd say Freddy was still dark in part 3 but elements like ZaZa Gabore being slaughtered on tv and the scene where Freddy says "Welcome to Prime time Bitch!" kind of what started the whole Freddy being a comedian thing. Nightmare 4 just went totally overboard and though Freddy still had his dark sense of humor it just went to far with the camp and one liners. Nightmare 5 was just a poor film with no clear idea of what the story should be plus it just shuffled alot of ideas from 3 and 4 but I will say I like that it tried to be darker both in story and visually but the script was all over the place. In my opinion though Nightmare 2 is a lackluster follow up to Part 1 Freddy was definitely at his darkest of the entire series and 2 was a balls to the wall mean spirited film as well. Particularly the scenes that I remember creeped me out as a child was Freddy chasing Lisa through the house where he bit her. That scene scared the hell out of me as a child. Also, Freddy having the knives protrude out his fingers was a cool idea I'm surprised no one ever talks about that.
Part 4 was one of my favorite in the series. I thought Freddy was still really scary in it.
He was always making jokes, even in part one. When he's like "I'm your boyfriend now Nancy".
I don't get Part 4 had some of the most disturbing death scenes in any horror movie and the best protagonists. All the characters were really likable so their deaths were a lot scarier because you cared about them.
Part five was just really boring and convoluted.
Part six was also terrible.
The first four are all great in my opinion.
I love all the episodes of Freddy's Nightmares that are actually about Freddy, they are awesome.
They still used Kevin Yagher's Freddy make-up from part 4 during the 1st season. If you notice, they then used Freddy's make-up from season 2 in Freddy's Dead. "Whether you think you can, or think you can't, either way, you are right." - Henry Ford
I think the tone was softened for the second season. The first season got a lot of grief for being true to the tone of the movies but on television. So to 'soften' it without completely destroying it, they put in a lot more eerie but unrelated to the movies kind of fodder and ended up boring people to death. It was my guess that this edict came down after the season had started so that's why you have some really good episodes like 'Do You Know Where Your Kids Are' and 'It's My Party So I'll Die If I Want To' that were probably made first but then eventually dissolve down to the episodes that finished off that season and the series as a whole.
That said, 'Prime Cut' and 'Dust to Dust' are so insane that even if they were lesser episodes they're still worth viewing to see how the show could have gone if they were given a third season. Despite a lack of violence and gore, the show had some really interesting elements to it that made it worth watching. Cannibals turning into dust after singing a song is so bizarre it becomes funny/scary.