need help

hi , i need help regarding one of the characters. This one character was in a hut or something and she goes out, it was raining (i think) then she turns into the hut again and then a boom exploded from behind her, she died.

i was around 10 when i saw this show, and that scene really stayed in my mind.Around this year i suddenly remembered that scene again, all i could remember is a title with beach in it, happend in vietnam and that scene. So today i just found out it was China Beach, what's left is which ep and who is the girl that played that unfortunate nurse.

can anyone help me? it's been bugging me for a long time now.


i think it was cherry.


The character was a Red Cross "donut dolly" named Cherry, played by Nan Woods.


It's the Tet '68 episode


thanks guys, she was a cutie from what a i remember...again, thanks


That may have been the episode where Cherry is killed by a mortar round at the end of a barrage. I don't remember any rain, but it was the only episode I recall where a woman character dies.


Yes, that was Cherry White, in the "Tet '68" episode: Ep 15, in season two. I was 18 at the time, and hooked on the series from the start. That episode was one of the first TV shows I can recall that really made an impression on me (i.e. changed how I saw what a TV show could express); I wish more shows were like this one!
