20 Years Anniversary

Come on John Sacret Young wake up to the fact that fans of this show are still living! If it has to do with the music rights for the period songs, working something out with the owners of the copyrights can't be that hard. They may even be understanding considering that the show is about our veterans and deserves to be remembered.
Next year will be 20 years since the series finale and I'm amazed that I'm still alive! I always thought I'd be dead by now, maybe I'm just living on borrowed time. But that's time I'd like to spend remembering/watching China Beach if it were possible.


China Beach HAS to be released!! I cant believe that show has barely even been in syndication, let alone not released on DVD! That's just really sad :(


Wonder if everyone forgot about China Beach.


Unfortunately it is all about the music. If JSY had known about the musical rights when he created this series, I would bet he'd done it differently. Just imagine the money he and many others aren't getting due to this error. But the music was a huge part of the success of the show. Would love to see reruns on TV again.


I don't get it, didn't JSY have to get the artist's "permission" to even use any of their songs when he created/directed the CB episodes? I even remember they released the CB soundtrack, cuz I even bought it on cassesette.

So why NOW is there a problem?!!!

"WAR is OVER-if you want it!!!"...*John Lennon*


When he got permission to use the songs, he got permission to use them when the episode first ran, and in re-runs. Home video release wasn't included, because TV shows on VHS wasn't a major issue. To get the rights for the DVD, he would have to go back and renegotiate the rights. The music rights are much more expensive now then they were back then.

It totally sucks. I want this show on DVD.

"Forget reality, give me a picture"-Remington Steele


Ok I see-so the DIFFERENCE is the VHS versus the DVD FORMAT! Yeah I'm dying (no pun intended) to have it released as well! Hey I'll take the VHS version-cuz I'm one of the very FEW people who STILL HAVE a VCR and I use everyday to record.


"WAR is OVER-if you want it!!!"...*John Lennon*


I'm sure glad I taped some of the episodes on VHS...
Shame it is the songs that are stopping this from being on DVD. You would think they would want to make the money from the music re=release.


Long overdue.


Amazon has a discussion group on CB and several posts of "trading" tapes for the shows. Trading, so it's legal. Also, people can "sign up" w/Amazon to show they would buy the dvd IF it were available. Couldn't hurt to show the fans are out here.There are rip-off "commercial" sites on web advertising to sell it, but beware, esp w/credit and info. ALso, Ebay has a ad once in a while, but u have to be fast, cause it's removed. You've got to be more pro-active if you expect CB to be put out on dvd. Write or get a copy another way. IMHO. Good luck.


I don't know if this is worth anything but it's recent and here's hope we can have our original DVD boxset sometime soon:

Time Life News: China Beach In The Works For A DVD Collection

Posted on 16th May 2012 @ 9:24 AM

We've heard on the grapevine that Time Life is in the works on snagging rights for the China Beach series and making it into a full DVD collection for those lovers of China Beach out there. We don't have too much information on what exactly the set will consist of in terms of run time, collector's box, or booklets, but you've heard it here first only at OrderTVMusic.com!

Source: http://www.ordertvmusic.com/time-life-news-china-beach-in-the-works-for-a-dvd-collection/


