You're kidding me!
I had to watch this movie - today - to compare and contrast it with this other book I read. "Down River" - It was an in class assignment. I can't tell you who I wanted to shoot more, Kevin Bacon or Sean Astin. This was thee worst acted movie ever, and anyone in the world with a decent brain could whip that sort of a story up. I wanted all of those charactors to die by the end of the movie, between Kevin Bacon and his rage - and sean astin being a big pussface. It was just so poorly done. Everyone made a big deal out of everything - and not much even happened. This is definetly a movie for people under the ages of four, and for you all to sit here and say that this movie is good? I can't believe what I'm hearing! This movie doesn't deserve any praise! Stop praising this garbage!
You all have the right to your own opinion - But I just can't process that in my brain. It was such an awful movie! I'd rather watch my foot for 2 hours!