No one I talk to has ever even heard of it to be honest. I think it could have done much better at the box office years ago and it should be more known and respected. Of course, a film that is made and then delayed release for several years is usually like that. It just vanishes into history, unfortunately. The only problem I have with it is Adler and Martel's unbelievable reactions at times. Other than that it's a fine film,good story. Are we in the minority on this, people?
Nope I totally agree... I think the parts where Sean's narrating are some of his cutest in early film. True, the whole talking-right-to-the-camera thing is a little corny, but in the 80's it was common a little cooler. There was something about his whole explanation of Vic taking his knife that just cracked me up. The rest of the movie was great too. I agree about it being hard to find too, three different movie places had never heard of it. So sad. *sigh*. But at least some of us can enjoy it.
I only have it because I taped it off a Canadian station showing it as a late movie one night several years ago. I've never seen it for sale although I have seen it for rent at a store once. The knife thing is funny:"Now I'm listening to the ball game. Vic wants to say don't listen to the ball game. What does he say? Over there is Attigawa. He is an enemy of the land. I think we'll take Alan's knife." Haha. Good stuff.
Ebay, baby. lol. i haven't bought it yet but i probably will. i have most of Sean's movies. yeah i love that line, cept for it's "oongowa". i think. lol. also that line about some neighbor who was into camping... "she likes the boots." what is it about him??? :-)
Man, I missed you by like 12 minutes when I came onto this board! I was reading the film only made about 1/3 of a million dollars. Not much in the world of filmaking, mind you. That doesn't even cover the cost of paying the actors, promoting the film,etc. The director, Jeff Bleckner, didn't come anywhere I'm sure to breaking even.
Honestly, I didn't think the actual film by itself was all too fabulous. It was okay, but a little choppy. One of those movies with really good, memorable scenes tied together with mediocrity. I just love Sean's performance in it so much. The acting was all good but I thought the flow of the movie could have been better. Mind you, I could watch this movie all day, but that's becuase of Sean. Whom I could watch read the phone book. :-) I'm not all that suprised it didn't do that well. You have to be a true fan I guess. :-)
I feel this is a must-see movie only because it teaches a very good lesson about life, and tells a great story at the same time. I think the reason not too many people appreciate this movie as much as they should, is because they look at the movie too directly. Of course, this is a story about a city kid who learns about survival and goes through hell with a wilderness guide, however, in this film, many lessons about life and the obstacles in life, are expressed and emphasized. I know plenty of people who need a little character built into them. Someone can learn a lot from this movie. I would rate this movie as a rental to those who need to get only a small amount of people to change their lives a little bit and a buyer for those with children growing up so they can learn all they can from this movie and so on and so forth. Many of the lessons in this film can be taught in a team sport, but not them all. If you’re not the sporty type, watch the damn movie.
I liked this movie. I think Sean Astin is adorable and a great actor. Especially for being so young. I liked the narration bits with him. For some reason I found it hilarious when he said something like " No Vic goes there's ____? whow as punished by being thrown into the stars and lets take Alan's knife"
Pirates? As in "arrrgh"?
Proud Member of the JD cult 23rd Proud Member of the Orlando Harem
I don't get it, it's a simple outdoor adventure. Some good action set-pieces strung together with confrontation, a good music score. Good soundtrack. Sure Bacon's over-the-top, but a lot of these "let's turn them into men" types are. And though hateful, the way the boys talked to each other was right on target for how boys that age treat each other. For some reason this same scenario worked a year earlier in "Stand By Me" (four boys rough it, come of age, etc.), but critics and viewers just bag on this. Like the narration; I kinda liked the sarcastic reactions by Astin as he recalled the trip while sitting in the woods.
I think it's a good movie. Not a classic by any means but it has some good outdoor shots and suspensful moments. I HATED VIC and wanted him to die because of his sadistic nature. He DID endanger the kids more than help them. Not sure what the point is why Vic did what he did. The only conclusion that I can reach is that he was a sadistic person who seemed to enjoy seeing other people suffer. When he gets the broken leg it's too late in the film to care about him. His character has already been well-defined.
Vic's over the top cruelty toward Allen seems to taint this film's enjoyment. However, it still has its good moments of the boys working together despite the typical teenage imaturity with their swearing at each other.
Do you think they used a double for Sean's bridge scene?
Maybe the critics missed the point of the movie. It just wants to be a fun, coming of age, adventure movie, nothing more. It succeeded. In this case, the adventure aspect, doesn't have a major storyline. Just a crazy/weird tour guide toughing up teenagers, in a yearly progam.
Definitely a good film but unfortunately it had a few things going against it. For one thing, like another poster stated, this film had alot of delays and setbacks and also when it was released, it simply did not fare well theatrically because I believe it may have been in limited release. Also, when it was released on video, it was initially under another title making it hard for people who really wanted to see it. Most fans of this film I know only really have known it from the HBO airings when it finally reached cable.
"A commitment to cinema means to lead a technically deviant lifestyle."
i'm in agreement with the posters who think this film is underappreciated. Amazing cinematography, great characters, great coming of age piece. I first seen it back in the eighties on cable. Hadn't heard of it prior to that. I guess the movie studio just didn't market it well at all. Thats a shame because it really is a good movie and should have gotten to a much larger audience when it first came out.