PG rating containing F\/CK

i think that the MPAA allows one f word in PG-13 if used in a non-sexual context...two f's get's an R and one *beep* in a sexual use is R.
Sean say to Kevin *beep* You I could have died" - I THINK
Can anyone confirm the dialogue or explain the usage?
I don't know what year the MPAA decided on that structure, maybe that has something to do with it.



nice fV(kin' model in beetlejuice, ah ha, i forgot about that one. i'm not so concerned with jaws really - because pg-13 was first introduced for Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom which is clearly later than Jaws.




And European Vacation had LOTS of boobies.

But I think an "F" is allowed depending on the context in a PG. Astin says it rather quickly, with other dialogue behind it. *beep* you, I could've died!" Like in Spaceballs, Rick Moranis gets away with one because it's A) off screen, and B) quick.


And let's not forget the movie The Wraith starring Charlie Sheen. It's rated PG-13, yet it contains a scene featuring Charlie Sheen making out with a lady named Kari and her breasts are truly showing bare naked. Nude titties in a PG-13 movie. Hoo-yay!


There's an f-bomb in Jaws???? Where is it?

In God WWE Trust


Big was the last rated PG movie to contain f uck. After that movie mpaa gave anything with the f-word automatically a PG-13 rating.


Who cares MPAA is a joke.


actually, the first pg-13 movie was red dawn, yet the discrepancy is the film flamingo kid, which was first to be rated pg-13, but was shelved prior, and wasn't made apparent. indiana jones and the temple of doom is responsible for the whole pg-13 rating, though... only it was rated pg.

so everything before 1984 was pg, or r, which has nothing to do with this '87 vehicle, but just to clear a few things up as far as those afformentioned discrepancies go....

On the run from Johnny Law... ain't no trip to Cleveland.


Movies made a while ago weren't as strict with bad words as they are today. Watch any PG movie from the 80's.
