Was Vic Sued?

Lets face it, any kid who went through that kind of physical, emotional and mental abuse at the hands of a camp counselor would probably end up suing him. I have a feeling that George and the blonde dude probably would have ratted on vic to their parents and he would have lost his license. He put them in harm's way so many times that it wasn't even funny. If I found out that my kid's camp counselor pulled those kinds of antics I would have him locked up. It seemed liked Vic was very sadistic and actually liked putting alan and the other boys through hell. It probably could have been a better experience for the kids if Vic had mellowed out a bit. I did find it amusing when Alan turned on his radio while vic was doing yoga and vic had a freakout!



Things are very different now compared to when this movie was done or when the movie was based from to be honest with you. I mean I understand to a certain extent what Vic was trying to do but then in other ways I do not agree with it either.

See I grew up with old school ways and not this new ways on how society is. I knew that if I did something wrong it was either I was going to get a talking to by my parents, a spanking, something taken from me for a while, or I was grounded you know.

I also learned that certain look that my mom or dad would give me when I was in trouble. My father called me a wimp because I entered the Navy in 1989 and he said "Todays Navy is so much easier than when I went through basic in 1967!"

See at that time the process of the old school Navy was still in effect. What I mean by that is I would remember going to the chow hall or the galley we would call it in the Navy you civilian people would call it a cafeteria. If my bed, or storage compartment was not done in a military fashion then everything was thrown all around.

What I mean by that is my mattress would be turned over, the sheets, blanket, pillow, and all of my clothes would be all over the barrucks and I would have to find what was mine.

Plus, if I did something wrong then I would be looked right square in the eyes and called every word in the book. I would even be told to drop and do push ups, sit ups, or any other thing for punishment.

When I was recalled to active duty from 2001 to 2003 I did not see any of that while stationed at Great Lakes Naval Training Station! I saw the new school sailors get away with murder!

I had it a lot more harder than them! So they are wimps in my eyes. Todays Navy is.

Check it out: http://deefilmroll.com/usa-uan/


Vic was over the top. He should have been sued.


He might have been over the top but it did not happen because we did not see it in the movie at all occur. I know what you are saying but he was only trying to help teach a lesson to Sean Aston's character in the movie.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show! www.deefilmroll.com/usa-uan/



Yes I know hat it often happened in the teaching that it was all wrong.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show! www.deefilmroll.com/usa-uan/


I don't think you should, "Teach someone a lesson," by leaving them hanging out on a rock. I mean, I probably would have sh*t my pants and pushed Vic over a cliff if he had done that to me. I don't care if his way was, "Old school," or not. He was completely out of line by leaving Alan there, and if I found out that had happened to my child (not that I have a kid,) I would have kicked the sh*t out of Vic.


There are certain ways of teaching people a lesson. Some peoples methods are different than others and others just do it a different way. Was it cruel of Vic to leave Alan on the rope by himself? Yes it was but it eventually motivated Alan to get across to the other side because if not no one would have helped him out at all. Yeah but see violence does not solve a thing because then you have a criminal record and could be going to jail or prison for assault and battery on Vic. The better way of doing it would be to get the lawyers involved possibly, and if you can do it the old fashioned way of talking it out then that would be great as well.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans! www.usaupallnight.webs.com/


Sue-happy Americans no doubt ;-)

Ever heard of Outward Bound? http://www.outwardbound.org
You basically sign up to put yourself at calculated risks and break through mental barriers. Of course you probably sign a big ol' legal contract beforehand. Point being that some people kind of need their barriers pushed in order to toughen up. Agree though leaving the kid dangling by a rope hundreds of feet in the air was taking it too far. Ah but it did toughen the kid up right? Couldn't have fought that giant spider or carried Frodo up Mt. Doom otherwise =)




I was wondering if she was sued too and perhaps maybe she even spent some time in prison for being an abusive predator and a mentally unstable freak!

It's a sad thing that your adventures have ended here


1. It's indeed a movie, if it was real life, Vic would be in jail. I don't care what time period it happens in.

2. Vic goes to these kids' homes, talk to their parents, and earns their trust. Vic sells the fact that he will always be there for the kids in any type of situation. How do you think the parents would react if Vic told them: "Yeah, I'll leave them on their own for days at a time, and even leave them to fend for themselves in life or death situations". I'm sure a lot of parents would send their kids with him then(sigh). He also sells the "trip" as something leisurely and fun, not as some intense struggle for survival. Just based on deception alone, he would wind up in jail.

3. To the poster that compared this situation to "Outward Bound", that's just ridiculous. 'Outward Bound' participants WILLINGLY sign the waiver to participate in such an adventure. And many OB participants have at least minimal survival training skills. Vic has four City kids who have no experience in the woods whatsoever and he abandons them, and basically put Alan's life in peril a few times.

But anyway... it's just one of those fun, 80's popcorn movies that you can enjoy. It's not meant to be taken too seriously. How many movies are?
