Alan was Vic's bully
My enduring love for this film continues after 25 years. From what I can see here, most of us identified with Alan (or Chris, Mitch or George) as kids, but sort of see Vic's side now as adults. Kind of.
Without Alan, there's no film. Vic had obviously done this a few times, and the other three kids didn't have cooperation or attention issues. Alan presented a challenge to his patience and guidance. Vic's into yoga, nature, physical endurance, a few things I've actually developed an appreciation for. But Vic seemed to feel the need to channel these things to the young in an effort to show them it will make them better people, too. You have a kid who doesn't wanna listen, it makes it grueling.
Alan humiliates Vic (the fish trap), beats him at chess, questions his sanity ("You must be crazy!"), and actually accomplishes turning the rest of the kids against him. That there is especially hard for him to accept, that his sense of power has been compromised. Once the kids physically turn on him, it's of course, the kid he was the most threatened by that enables his rescue through the same ingenuity that Vic so eschewed before. Hence, his "bully" to the rescue.
My point being, this film kicks ass.
"If I had ya where I wanted ya, they'd be pumpin your ass full of formaldehyde!"