Growing up I always thought Vic was an evil character and that's all we need to know. Seeing it now I realise he's just a guy who is real passionate about hiking and takes it very seriously. We shouldn't hate him for that. Funny how we see movies differently sometimes as adults.
I saw this movie at age 13, and now at 36 and I have to say as an older viewer watching it, Vic was overly passionate about things that I didn't understand when I was young. He originally had the best interests, but he just didn't execute them properly. Leaving Alan dangling off the cliff when he was terrified was beyond cruel. The whole fishing scene was uncalled for. Not listening to everyone as a team, and also forcing them to stay with him when he really should have just talked to them normally and not like a dictator.
He was a villian. Just because your passionate doesn't give you a free card to be cruel. He didn't start out that way, but he definitely snapped and went off the deep end. It was pretty clear that he should not be working with kids.
He was too set in his ways. Allen's kind of ingenuity as opposed to using the basics bothered him and made him see Allen as too weak. It wasn't until Allen made that hoist to get him out of the gorge that Vic saw how useful Allen's way could be. Likewise Allen saw Vic's way of sticking to basics as too primeval and that caused the flair up between the 2. Then the river ride at the end allowed Allen to see why the rough basics Vic taught were useful since it helped get them to safety faster than sitting around would have.
Yeah... he started out with good intentions, but he just took his tactics WAY too far. It wasn't just Alan who saw this, even the other kids began to see how nuts Vic was. I think Vic himself even knew he had crossed the line when Chris(I think that's his name), who was Vic's biggest supporter, turned on him....
Why do people keep making that ridiculous mistake?
It's like imdb is populated by a thousand monkeys who just mimic human writing, but can't seem to be able to grasp the english language - at least well enough to type the words correctly.
Some other similar mistakes include:
- should/could/would OF instead of should/could/would HAVE / 'VE
- thier instead of their - their instead of there - there instead of they're
(and so on)
- to instead of too - too instead of to
- wierd instead of weird - here instead of hear - your instead of you're
Until I get a reasonable, logical, understandable explanation for why this keeps happening over and over again in imdb boards, I am going to strongly side with the thousand monkeys-theory..
Avortac, welcome to the 'net??? Been dealing with this the 13 years I've been online. The general populace has its own "language," or what they think is right. Aggravating, yes, but I try not to hold them too accountable as long as their arguement is sound. It's when the blowhards say inscrutable sh!t that I take heed and run.
"If I had ya where I wanted ya, they'd be pumpin your ass full of formaldehyde!"
We should hate Vic for almost kill the kids 4 times?
Vic is mentally unstable
As he is ready to throw Chris off Ready to let Allan hang -Look at the rope, scratche the rock, easily break. Allan stay on island -because it not done his way
-Let allan hang on the bridge ready to fall. Althroug suposely watching.
Vic was never ready to throw Chris off the cliff. Chris tried to brush past Vic, lost his footing, and Vic grabbed a hold of Chris, saving his life. Maybe he waited a bit longer than he should have before pulling Chris back up, but that's a different matter.
"Tahiti is not in Europe . . . I'm going to be SICK."
I also see vic differently than I did young. But he's still a d bag. If he smashed my radio I wouldnt have saved him. I always felt his arc was unresolved, did he change, did he apologize to the boys? Seems we couldve had one more scene.