MovieChat Forums > Wanted: Dead or Alive (1987) Discussion > I saw this movie 10 september 2001

I saw this movie 10 september 2001

When i saw this movie the day before the terrorist attacks 2001 11 september i was thinking why haven´t attacks like the ones in the movie happend in usa. And one more weird thing is that after i saw this movie i read about global terrorism and bin laden on the internet. And before i went to bed i was thinking this might happen sometime.


Wow, talk about a creepy premonition, buddy...


That is creepy man.


i can beat that (kind of) i was watching Rules of Engagement, when my step dad called telling me to change the channel "a plane has crashed into the world trade center" and then i spent the next 36hrs watching the tv


So basically, you're admittting to masterminding the 9/11 attacks? Cool.

"Finish your sentence!" -- Inspector Li Ying


Nest time put a grenade in a terrosist's mouth,will ya?


