This was all the info I could find on what happend to Simon Stokes
Its cool they mention his music big with the biker groups. As in the movie we see the motorcycle thing over and over from nick and his best friend. Cool little add in from the director and writer makes the movie more realistic.
In 1973, Stokes released his debut album, Incredible Simon Stokes, on Spindizzy Records. The album was a psychedelic blues record in the vein of Captain Beefhart. That same year, Stokes released Simon Stokes & the Black Whip Thrill Band on Spindizzy. The album's cover was reportedly the first banned album cover in the United States. Featuring S&M scenes as well as females being whipped, the controversy created a cult following for the musician, especially among biker groups. In 1977, Buzzard of Love was released. After this album, Stokes basically went underground, releasing no material for nearly two decades.