MovieChat Forums > Wall Street (1987) Discussion > Why was Bud allowed to leave the office ...

Why was Bud allowed to leave the office and hang out with Gekko?

Throughout the movie Bud is rarely inside the Broker firm that he works for, he instead goes outside of the office and hangs out with Gordon Gekko and does whatever he wants to do while Marv and the rest are working inside of the office itself.

How is Bud allowed to leave the office and do as he wants on company time? Why wouldnt the office manager ask him where he has been and order him to stay in the office during workplace hours? Seems like Bud risks getting fired to pal around with Gekko throughout the movie, there is no explanation for this in the movie at all either and it doesnt make sense that Bud can get away with skipping work and just hang out around town all the time on company time.


Brokers can leave the office to meet with clients. Gekko was a client.


Gekko was a 'RICH' client


Dude, watch the movie again. When Bud left the office to pitch Teldar Paper Industries to Gordon and bring him Cuban cigars, his boss humiliated him in front of his co-workers when he got back, but afterwards Gordon called him back and bought sizable shares of Bluestar resulting in a $1 million + bounty.

If you're a broker who spends hours trying to solicit $50K - $250K clients but instead you land one who puts millions into your portfolio offering your boss is going to let you hang out with that client as long as he keeps buying shares through your firm.


I'd have to watch it again - certainly once he bags Gekko and the brokerage have his multi-million-dollar account, it stands to reason they'll give Bud free reign - it's the initial meeting beforehand on company time that seems a bit cheeky, but if the above is correct his boss does chastise him when he only arrives at lunchtime....maybe Bud didn't expect to be kept waiting all morning and so told the office he had a doctors appointment or something thinking he'd only be an hour or so late, not half a day......or maybe like pacificpooch says above, they allowed their brokers the occasional show of initiative in being away from the office to meet clients, providing they had the sales/accounts/commissions to justify it....
