MovieChat Forums > Wall Street (1987) Discussion > I liked Daryl Hannah in this but.....

I liked Daryl Hannah in this but.....

she did a horrible job decorating Buds apartment.. I remember the 80s well I was young at that time and the styles but just Yuck.... Was anyone else appalled..



Later that year, Hannah co-starred opposite Charlie Sheen and Michael Douglas in Oliver Stone’s Wall Street.

Wall Street was an infamously troubled production. Hannah, who is a crusader for several causes in real life, never connected to her character who was defined by her materialism. She was unhappy with the role which lead to clashes with Stone. Stone has said many unflattering things about Hannah’s acting abilities over the years as a result.

Making matters worse was Sean Young. Young (who also appeared in Blade Runner) had a smaller role in the film. She kept trying to convince Stone to fire Hannah because she wanted the larger role. Stone later admitted that he should have fired Hannah but his pride got in the way. The director was so annoyed with Young’s campaigning that he had her dumped at a bus station when she was done filming.

Despite the behind the scenes difficulty, Wall Street got good reviews. It tapped into the zeitgeist of the 80’s. “Greed is good” became a popular catchphrase. Douglas won an Oscar and the movie was a hit.


Hannah, who is a crusader for several causes in real life, never connected to her character who was defined by her materialism.

pretty sure Robert Englund's personal life doesn't revolve around slashing teenagers.. it's a good thing actors don't regularly have that problem.. there would be no movies at all otherwise.

Welcome to the El Flamingo, Jeffrey!
Don't piss in the pool, Jeffrey.


I also remember the 80's well, and it was pretty awful. However, I could be wrong, but I always kind of had the impression that she was actually supposed to be pretty talentless. Like so many of the other characters, and even the furnishings and finishes in the apartment, she was kind of a fraud.



“Gordon got me all my clients.”

At least she didn’t botch the job like that Ukranian bitch.




Yes that decor was hideous.
