MovieChat Forums > The Untouchables (1987) Discussion > The most overrated film I have seen

The most overrated film I have seen

How this film has an 8.0 on here and was nominated for a single academy award is beyond me.
The acting across the board is dreadful. The one bright spark unsurprisingly is De Niro, however even he lost me at the end with the pantomime villain esque acting in the court room.
An Oscar nomination for the best music, really?
The direction is awful, it is pretty clear that Brian De Palma just couldn't decide what he really wanted from the film; a serious gangster movie or pure cheese.

I had very high hopes for this and have been left bitterly disappointed.
Can anyone shed any light as to why it is so highly regarded among critics and film lovers?



I think it's a great film.


Care to elaborate?


Ennio morricone's score, Brian Depalma's direction, Sean Connery and Robert Deniro in supporting roles and Kevin Costner's big breakthrough in a leading role. Yeah, I think this film deserves to be in the top 250 but I don't care because IMDB ratings are a joke.
