Problem with ending

I rewatched this just now after over 20 years since seeing it. It is truly outdated, not to mention overrated.
There are a lot of asburdities to this film. Perhaps most of all was the attorney changing to a guilty plea CONTRARY TO THE WISHES OF HIS CLIENT. It does not work that way.
Drago, Connery, and De Niro were all solid, but there are just too many gaffes in the script.



He doesn't even have to do that much. He never really had a guilty plea entered, because he didn't agree to it.

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Very true. It was a decent (though not great) film for the first ninety minutes or so, then went off the rails for the last half hour. I usually find that Netflix is uncannily accurate in predicting how I'll rate movies, but it was way off, predicting 4.4 stars; the reality is that I ended up giving it a generous three. It's kind of schlocky, not at all like the Scorsese-esque type film I was expecting.

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