This movie is stupid!

Not that I didnt enjoy it, but the premise is very stupid. Perhaps the whole period during Prohibition in Chicago was in itself very stupid. It all started by a death of a young innocent girl. Makng Al Capone a bastard, sworn to be brought down by a racist, a rookie, an ex-alcoholic and an all american family man.

The scene where the All american good guy goes bad, was so withdrawn. "For malone.. No I cant..Wait, he insulted my dead friend whom he im pissed, gonna throw you off the roof"

Theres plenty of stupid rememberal things in this movie. The babycart catch game for example. I think its fun to point them out.


I didn't like the movie too.
The babycart scene was good.
The movie has good scenes.


Since you think it's "fun" to point out mistakes that you believe others have made in their artistic and commercial endeavors, are you willing to be the source of such "fun" for others to point out your level of illiteracy?

Just asking.


Jeez, why else are we here on IMDB? To have a gigantic circle jerk over movies we overwhelmingly praise? DePalma isn't exactly a struggling independent filmmaker...

Please nest your IMDB page, and respond to the correct person -


Theres plenty of stupid rememberal things in this movie. The babycart catch game for example. I think its fun to point them out.

"Rememberal"? Oh, dear.

You don't mind if I point out that the "stupid babycart catch game" scene is an homage to the silent film Battleship Potemkin, do you? I thought not. Try doing a little film research next time.


This post is pretty stupid. Yuk yuk yuk.

~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.


I agree with the OP. I thought I was watching a comedy.

This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.


Assuming you're implying Malone & George Stone in the one scene. Malone is a tough old school police officer. He plays by one rule - the bigger weapon gets the job done and when required guns blazing how it's done. What he was doing wasn't considered classifying him as a racist. He might not have believed the paranoia about Italian Americans linked to the mafia, but since it was an issue in those days he took one look at Stone and figured the easiest way to squeeze him would be to attack his real name & nationality and see what kind of man he gets. The kid passed with flying colors, is by the book but when push comes to shove, he'll get the job done under pressure. It was a test of his personality, not a true attack on how Italians are the crumb of the earth in Malone's eyes. That's why he said he likes the young guy. Stone's response was spot on and Malone knew then he was trustworthy to be the kind of cop Malone needs as a partner.


Exactly. And when Elliot pushed Neddy (SP?) off the roof, he was reacting like anyone with an ounce of love would, whether they say they don't believe in murder or not. Ness underwent a big transformation throughout the movie. He went from being a blind, ambitious desk jokey G-man to a warrior - a Chicago warrior. And you can see how and why throughout the whole movie.


The problem I had with Ness's behavior in that scene is that Nitti just offed two cops on the way up the spiral staircase. That would give *any* cop pretty much carte blanche to shoot the bastard - and instead Ness hesitates when Nitti is (literally) at the end of his rope. It takes an INSULT against Malone for Ness to react the way he did. And yes, I know, I know - DePalma's blase inclusion of the cops rolling down the stairs was meant as a throwaway - but as far as Ness is concerned a couple of cops just got killed right in front of him.

Please nest your IMDB page, and respond to the correct person -


I'm just gonna tell you TC, that this movie is fiction. It's based more off an old cheesy cops show from the 60s of the same name. Elliot Ness didn't throw Frank Nitti off a building. Actually, Frank Nitti ended up taking over Capone's gangs in real life after Capone went to prison for tax evasion. He also wasn't some generic hitman. I like the film but it is more based off that old TV show than it is off actual history. I feel the TC didn't know that from the way he was talking. Actually I've heard a lot of Elliot Ness' relatives were pretty angry that they had him kill someone in cold blood in the movie.

Green Goblin is great!
