Delete Your Post TMFTT Style

[This post was deleted because it was unsalted...and the unsalted ones make me SHOWSH!]

[This post has been go bury it in the backyard before it stinks up the place!]

[This post was deleted because Owen didn't want it to get ROONED]

[This post was deleted by someone who called it a very bad name and said "I HATE IT, I wish it was DEAD!"]


This post was deleted because its a coffee table book.

This post was deleted because it was late for its lane so they tacked on an extra buck.

This post was was late because it doesn't have a cousin Patty and it lied to me.

This post was deleted it had a wax plug in its ear and wanted it out.

This post was deleted its friend had an accident and its dead and it went bowling and left a corpse to take care of it.


This post was deleted because it's fat and it's stupid.


[This post was deleted because of one little murder and it was Jack the Ripper]


[This post was deleted because it was up to its a** in motives]


This post was deleted because it had an enormous headache in its eye.
