Pure Sh!t
As much as I LOVE the first Teen Wolf, this one here is purely crapola on a cracker. I'm sure everyone involved had good intentions, but that didn't stop this one from being a stinker. Let's see, there's the bad make-up effects, the bad music, the bad acting, NuStyles and NuFinstock, the fact that 99% of the scenes are reinactments of scenes from the original, etc. I literally laugh when Todd says "I want to change some classes" in his "wolf" voice, sweaty, bulgy forehead and all. What's funny is this scene came about twenty minutes too early (as compared to the original), and it wasn't nearly as effective as Michael J. Fox's scene. And when he first transforms into a wolf at the dance--woof! And the choreographed "Do You Love Me" scene is beyond bad. It's supposed to mimick the "Big Bad Wolf" dance from part one, and they got it all wrong. Scott created a little dance that everyone in the gym followed along with. In this one, everyone danced the same way without any instruction from Todd, as if it were a music video or something. And just about every character with the exception of those returning from part one are basically carbon copies of the original characters. This one gets a big woofin' thumbs down!