Someone should remake this. Seriously.
Okay, I know that a lot of you are going, "WTF?!" but seriously, now that camp movies like SoaP are being made (and totally rock), I think this could be re-done. However, in order for it to be successfully remade, the following conditions must be fulfilled:
1. No Smeg. He was a retarded character and the whole thing of him sneaking out at night to go be a Nazi was pathetic. ("I thought we got rid of this Adolf crap.")
2. Focus on Leroy's Mama. She can totally rock the screen, as long as she has some sweet weapons and the actress knows how to handle the props.
3. Develop Leroy's character before he dies and explain HOW he died for more effect.
4. More ninjas/kung-fu.
5. Play up the social and political atmosphere on the beach that results in post-apocalyptic California. Develop an infastructure for the rival gangs to hook audiences into an atmosphere, not just a concept.
6. More attractive women in skimpy bathing suits. For a troma movie set on the beach, the original had a pitiful lack of eye-candy.
7. If there is going to be a character with a hook, he should use it in more awesome ways, and he probably shouldn't try to surf with it. He should also pick a hook and stick with it! No more stupid hook-changing scenes.
8. Adolf has to be really really cool and sinister if he is going to get away with dressing up in wet suits and calling himself Adolf.
I seriously think this could work. A movie with a title like Surf Nazis Must Die! has so much potential.