DIrectors cut PLEASE

they did the donner cut for supes 2 why cant they edit bizzaro back into superman 4 the scenes are so much better then the flaming nuclear man

heres a link if youve never seen them


I watched the extensive (but not conclusive) deleted scenes package on the DVD last night and every one of them finished properly would have enhanced this much-maligned film – as would the full planned budget spent on SFX originally!

A modern re-edit with these scenes restored, perhaps some re-dubbing by the irreplaceable Gene Hackman and some new (but subtle to match the 1980s style) CGI, and this could finally be a lasting tribute – or at least a worthy addition – to Christopher Reeve's Superman canon.

Even with the poor rushes quality, temporary music tracks (LOSE the 'comedy' music for the first Nuclear Man, PLEASE!) and jury-rigged optical effects on the deleted scenes, you find yourself asking WHAT they were THINKING cutting this stuff from the film, leaving it so uneven and with the plot in places jarring badly. To name a few:

Superman going to the kids' school (twice) is so obviously important plot-wise and in terms of the message of the film, Superman's dilemma etc. And it make sense of the bizarre headline scene at The Planet.

The Nuclear Man's explained obsession with Lacy and the drama of armageddon nearly being triggered.

And the additions to his rampage - with Moscow, the twister striking Smallville, the little girl in peril and Superman being goaded on by the childlike super-villain.

The infected Clark/Superman ageing in his apartment and a Kryptonian voiceover as originally scripted. It's so brief in the theatrical cut, the importance of using the energy unit crystal – committing himself to Earth forever – is totally lost.

Luthor betraying the West to the East and then vice-versa is brilliant and AGAIN explains a lot. In fact, any additional Gene Hackman as Lex Luthor immediately improves the film. "Lenny, let's keep your IQ a family secret."

If they could CGI a toupee over Hackman's bald-patch 'wig' as well, that would be the icing on the cake... :-]

... because I reappear with tedious inevitability


And a fully redone Opening Credits sequence that's as impressive as the first 2 films, perhaps with a recap of both I and II (Ignore II of course, that irredeemable).

Maybe even throw in some of the unused Superman II Brando footage.

"Lois-I know who your HuSband is! Your Next!!"


I agree, this definitely needs a director's cut or re-edit.
It's very underrated and I think they should've kept the
scene where Superman visits Jeremy at his school telling
him he can't interfere. It was an important scene and
would've explained, "Superman says drop dead to Kid"
better. I've always liked the film, but they shouldn't
have deleted so many scenes.


wow - I never knew this existed. Incredible! I could never have imagined how Superman IV could be any worse and then I see this.

The sound track sounds like it's been added for a joke.


Superman IV is handily one of the worst films I have ever endured, so I'm shocked into near-speechlessness when I see people calling it "underrated." Nuclear Man alone is the most laughable excuse for a villain I have ever seen.

However, only today did I discover that the movie was cut down to 90 minutes from an original 134-minute running time!!

I'm certain that absolutely nothing could possibly be done to salvage this movie into anything even passably decent, but even so, I have to say that I am very curious to see all the stuff that got cut out!


They stuff they cut out definitely explains all the plot holes, but overall probably wouldn't make it a much better film. From what's been said, the original cut supposedly drags things too much, but then the cuts they made created a lot of plot holes.

I an't afraid of no ghosts!


It'll never happen. Apparently those deleted scenes on the DVD/Bluray are the only known prints. Up until around 5 years ago, it was believed that ALL the Superman IV deleted footage was burnt. We're extremely lucky to get what we got.


They could make a remastered edition with better special effects.

Its that man again!!


trust me this movie is salvagable. i'm working on a fanedit of this and superman 3 combined. it's really great. too great some would say.

i should have it up on youtube in about three days. i'll have the links up soon.

they won't let me put it up for public viewing. so i'll post the links.


you said this over a month ago. is it finished?


sorry. i put it on hold. it should be up in the next week. it's really good.


It's been a couple of months now since your last message. Is your cut now online, please ?


i will try to get it up this next week




Yeah where's your 'fan-edit' - or have you given up?

EDIT: If you have given up, I don't blame you, I don't think anything could save the steaming pile of sh!t that Superman IV is.
All absolutely spoils the fond memories I have of I & II.




No-one is denying the movie is not terrible, but some people have additional nostalgia value and some people, like me, like a few key scenes.

Now Superman Returns, to me that was a terrible movie. But as you seem to think that your taste in movies is the correct one, if you like Superman Returns, perhaps I should change my view to the right one.

Gothamite #3
"But it happened at sea! See? C for Catwoman!!"



i will try to get it up in the next week.




nuclear man is the coolest character of all time. at least the version in my fanedit.

the scene where he comes out of the sun is the best intro to a character ever.
the scene where he meets lex for the first time is great
the scene where he burns the dollar bill from lex's hand is great. just the way he stands there and the look on his face as he stares at lex is amazing
the scene where he comes out of the tanning booth and goes to the balcony is one of the best scenes.

1. nuclear man
2. terminator 2
3,4. terminator 1 and t1000


