MovieChat Forums > Summer School (1987) Discussion > Notices about being required to attend s...

Notices about being required to attend summer school

Wouldn't they notify you earlier if you had to attend summer school. They told the students the same day they had to go to summer school. That doesn't give the students enough time to prepare. They day they got the notice was the day they had to attend the summer school class.


It is probably a writer's thing-to make it seem like the kids are free for two months, when at the last minute-they aren't.


nah, it was the day after. i think


In the real world, they would also probably mail the notices to the parents, not hand the student a piece of paper in class. It's just to move the story along.


They technically weren't in summer school. They were taking a class for a short time that summer (like most Summer School classes in real life) to help pass the test for graduation. Summer School's more strict because you have to go to get the grade you missed out on during the school year. Whereas the kids in this movie didn't actually have to attend classes for this test.

Like the Duane guy later on, they could have missed the classes and took the test the day it came up. Most of the class at the beginning of the movie isn't there after the first week. The rest of the kids stayed along for whatever reasons. Mainly to socialize, and because they/or their parents wanted them to pass the test.

~Hey Arnold!~
