Texas Chainsaw Massacre ERROR
When they're all asking for favors Chainsaw wants a screening of "The greatest movie of all time, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1973." It's actually 1974.
shareWhen they're all asking for favors Chainsaw wants a screening of "The greatest movie of all time, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1973." It's actually 1974.
shareWell, they are in Summer School...that could explain their error...Chainsaw and Dave that is.
shareOne goof they have listed really isn't a goof. The plot hole about his parents stopping procreation because of Chainsaw, but he has a sister in his dream. Unlikely they decided not to have any more kids right when he was born, but probably when he was at least a few years old...enough time for them to have at least one more child.
"Gold buys a mans silence for a time. A bolt to the heart buys it forever"