I thought he did very well in his role. Couldn't been as interesting as Freeman because he didn't have such a role. I really don't get it why the goddamn critics always have to find a whipping boy!
My theory on Feds is that they're like mushrooms: feed them *beep* keep them in the dark.
yeah, he was bad. its rare you see a leading man and you say "that guy cant act." christopher reeve was that guy. he was good in superman, not bad in somewhere in time, (actually, not bad in deathtrap either), but he's always awkward - he just has a stiff awkwardness about him which always come through. posture, line delivery, you name it.
People - critics & audiences - hate on Reeve because he was Superman. If Reeve had played Batman instead of Superman critics & audiences wouldn't dump on him nearly as much.
All due respect darthbill, that seems like a bit of a red herring. From this viewer's perspective, I stated my reasons. It had nothing to do with him playing Superman, Batman, Spiderman...it's his awkwardness, his stiffness, his line readings. Like I said.
I like Reeve in this but maybe some people just can't get behind his character's stupidity. That is what the movie's about. A guy getting in lots of trouble because of making a stupid decision.
in the arena of morgan freeman's acting he was horrible. after watching this film for the first time recently i thought reeve was bad in comparison to freeman. but then after thinking about it some more it thought he was good. he just was so mediocre in terms of freeman's performance that it was really noticeable. i mean their performance qualities are worlds away.