Why I (amazingly) don't fear a remake:
The Stepfather is one of my all-time favorite horror/thriller movies. I was taken in the first time I saw it. Terry O'Quinn was unbelievable as the lead and his performance still gives me chills to this day.
That said, it was not a perfect movie by any means. Now I'm not as hard on some aspects of the movie as some are ("the script SUCKED" - no, I don't believe that - it had its weaknesses, sure, but still a solid script overall), but I do agree that certain elements included in The Stepfather are things that a lot of movies do 'standard' once again today (cheesy shower scene with teenage nudity, over the top acting at times and some explicit gore, etc.)
I think The Stepfather is the kind of horror film that COULD be made better, if there's ANY chance of finding SOME actor that could deliver a performance at least 75% as good as Terry O'Quinn's Jerry Blake - is that too tall an order? Maybe so. But... IF it can be done, if that actor can be found, I think the film could work (and maybe improve upon the original - using the same sort of writing and directing style you currently see in the theatres), and I think it just might go over quite well and make good coin.
But it all hinges on the lead performance, and that's a big IF. Just my $0.02.
Wait a minute... who am I here?