Suprisingly good...

I was going into this expecting to see another boring buddy cop movie and was pleasently suprised I stumbled across this little gem.

Basically it works, the plot is good, the acting is great and it has the right blend of humour with action.

Serioulsy worth a look: 6.5/10


Yes, although the ending is sort of too violent as well as the beginning with the prison break out, the middle section is very funny, especially with Bill and Chris playing pranks on the other two cops sharing the stakeout and vice versa.


Yeah, I agree...i didn't expect much of this movie either, but I found myself enjoy it all the way through. Not fantastic but entertaining nonetheless. Good action, good sense of humour. And man, am I the only one who though Richard Dreyffus was terribly sexy in this film ? The sex/love tension between both actors are tangible and is shown on the screen, I thought.


Yep! You hit it on the head. I've seen the film a bunch of times and never tire of it. It's just a solid flick! No holes or anything.


Yeah, I agree. Truth be told, I never saw Richard Dreyfuss or Emilio Estevez playing roles like this and was pleasantly surprised that their charisma worked quite well together. It was a good flick!

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