Siskel and Ebert review 'Stakeout' ?sec=6&subsec=stakeout
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shareMan! I remember watching these critics regularly back in the 80s and 90s! I miss them! I have to say, in my comment on STAKEOUT, I enthusiastically said that Richard Dreyfuss was operating on another level from everyone else, so the critics and myself agree there. It is also in general a standard cop buddy film to some extent, but I still love the movie as a whole. Just pure entertainment. Also, I think Madeleine Stowe is more than just a body in this film. I've seen a lot of attractive women with no personality on film, but Maria is all woman!
The website was taken down unfortunately. I do recall the review segment, however, and it wasn't very flattering. It's because I remembered how unflattering that review was that I had stayed away from this movie until now. I loved "Stakeout" and felt Siskel and Ebert had done a great disservice to this movie.
I think professional film critics are a useless attachment to the movie entertainment industry. I have yet to see a professional film critic who didn't manage to make a complete foot-bullet of themselves.
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I honestly think critics are totally useless now. I see better, more thought-provoking opinions from regular movie fans who post on youtube, and I'm being totally serious! I get more out of those opinions than professional film critics!
"In the end, I go by reviews on imdb, amazon, director, writer, cast and crew and my own feeling. Funny enough, my "psychic" feelings about a film are usually the most accurate predictors. Which is why I rarely go to theater any more... there is nothing worth seeing!"--Nobody-27
I agree. My last movie seen in a movie theater was TERMINATOR SALVATION. My disapointment with that experience hammered the last nail in the coffin for me. If a movie is good enough I'll hear about it and I will see it somewhere other than in a movie theater.
To be fair to Roger Ebert, he was a rare critic who did enjoy movies and respected movie fans because he was one as well. But he was the rare exception.
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I am glad to say that I resisted the temptation to see Terminator salvation, even though I liked T-2 a lot (as entertainment), for exact reasons you mention.
Yes, Ebert was a decent critic, helped make some hopelessly unknown movies better known, which I appreciate, but often liked a film that was pure trash... and missed qualities of some good films and rated them as average.