
As a Seattle resident, this movie cracked me up. If you're gonna make a movie set in Seattle, film it in Seattle!! What really got me was, first, the scene in the salmon cannery on the Seattle waterfront. Hasn't been a cannery down there in my lifetime. Then of course, all the Seattle folks downtown in their flannel Sunday best, with the Injuns carving a totem pole on the lawn in front of the city hall. Gimme a break. Or maybe I'm the only one who didn't see that as part of the comedy of the film. Oh well, I guess I'm just a cynic...


So where was it filmed? Vancouver


Lol, this makes me dislike the film even more. Everything was awful, the casting, these guys are both 'comedic relief' types, where's the tough action guy to counter balance?? The score is disgusting. The jokes are awful. I was embarrassed for everyone. Now that you have enlightened me further, I've come to the conclusion that this film stinks.

Down with this film!! Down I say.

IMDB Film Ratings:


The film wasn't lame, in my opinion, but your post was stupid.


Not as stupid as this movie.


Stakeout is a typical American movie made in the 80´s.
Drama/Comedy. Easy to follow.

If it harms none, do what thou wilt.


It really annoys me how NOBODY has submitted a one star review of this film, but FIVE idiots gave To Live and Die in LA one star reviews.


There shouldn't be one star ratings of films. Its a callous rating considering how insanely difficult it is to even finish making a movie much less making it okay. Ignorance is rampant on this imbd. Or maybe its just jerkdom is rampant. This isn't a bad film. Its got a good deal of bs moments as well. I don't know. 6 or 7 I'm going with. Can't make up my mind. As far as it being an awful movie..that's ridiculous. At worst its a mildly entertaining escape and the human interaction and exchange translated trumps most stuff they make nowadays. A one. Get outta here and go make your own movie. Good luck


Captain Giles? Earl whatever...made a career out of playing HIMSELF in everything!!!11


FYI, the scene where Bill/Chris leaves his apartment was shot in Tacoma. You can see the Tacoma Dome in the distance. I don't think that was the Vancouver skyline..
