MovieChat Forums > Some Kind of Wonderful (1987) Discussion > What kind of career can an art major hav...

What kind of career can an art major have?

After watching this movie (particularly the scene where Keith’s dad meets with the school counselor), I’m wondering what exactly an art major does for a living. Do they get hired to design and paint advertisements, or murals, or anything like that? Is that something that they can get a steady job for, or do they just work freelance for whoever will pay them for a job? Does anyone know?



I guess their plan is to find a steady job - graphic design, commercial illustration, advertising, fashion, or perhaps even teaching - and work on their own projects/do freelance work in their spare time until they can earn enough from that to make a living.

Needless to say, most will remain in their day jobs which, if they're lucky, will be some sort of creative occupation... if they're lucky.

Make tea, not war.


My sister was an art major and is now an art teacher at a local elementary school

The cat was created when the lion sneezed


To be honest I laughed at the idea of majoring in art especially in the 80s. It's like even back then they knew it was a useless degree for most people. This is kind of why the whole term liberal arts student is kind of used as an insult in political debates.

The reality is you probably won't make much money or have a great career with these types of degrees. Your income is probably limited and their is the whole term starving artist. People who are creative/artists tend to have a higher opinion of themselves and their work which doesn't help ether.

An art degree or any degree itself isn't useless, it's how you use it. It's more about art jobs being limited and not as in demand and you're competing with people who already have a reputation as a good artist. People with more "useless" degrees could benefit from starting their own business if the career rout doesn't work out for them but being in college debt after you graduate could hinder it a bit. You'll have to work a menial job before you get set up. This is how you fall into the college trap people are told to go to college and that's it people need guidance though and to understand their are no promises.


Graphic art, tv production, teacher, designer, video production et al, anything creative...writing, theatre....


With a Master's one could work in restoration or in a museum as a curator. One could also become a dealer or open an art gallery. Any of these careers could turn out to be very lucrative.

We'll see whose the filthiest person alive! We'll just see!


1 - Barista
2 - Occupy Wall Street squatter
3 - State worker

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
