Not As Cheesy As Everyone Says
Yes, it's about killer slugs, but this movie is far, FAR less cheesy than all sorts of horror movies from the late eighties. This movie has a lot of things going for it, namely...
* engaging soundtrack (if, early on, misused)
* excellent makeup/effects/gore
* some real suspense
* mood
Also, if you have seen "Pieces", the other easily available movie from this director in the U.S., the dubbing on this one is way better, despite what you might read.
Overall, this movie is actually not bad and super entertaining if you're like me and you are A) up for a cheesy movie, B) Italian horror from the eighties and C) open to just not laughing at a movie but watching it and enjoying it. If you can suspend disbelief a bit, this movie is pretty dang fun.
Also - don't bother watching Squirm - this is the one to watch.