what an escape from reality

movies are intended to be an escape from reality. this one really took it to a next level. michael j fox gets everything in the end. the high paying job.. the girl.. the good guy finished first. its just such a typical cheesy 80s movie, but i liked it alot.

now if only someone would make a similar movie, only this time showing what would really end up happening. the guy would lose the girl and get thrown out of the building by security and then sent home to cry to his parents about NYC being too big of a city for him to handle. ahhh one day..


They might make a film where that happens, but just know the last scene will be the girl turning up to live on the farm with him.


"Don't drink the wine!"


I cannot argue with the fact that this film is a total fantasy from start to finish and there is nothing about it steeped in realism, but if you accept from jump that it is a fantasy, the film is a lot of fun and Michael J. Fox has rarely been this appealing onscreen.



only in the movies, buddy, only in the movies.


Yeah, and with Jean and Melrose also running the company with him, GIVE ME A BREAK!!

and another thing I will point out, in the final scene when Davenport is told that Brantley bought out 5% of the stock, that would not have made him the owner of the company. You have to buy 51% of the stock to take over a company. And I am sure he would have been told about it prior to the meeting if he had been bought out


And the fact that my uncle actually took over his company within a month of getting a job in its mailroom means nothing? Fair enough, it didn't happen quite as dramatically as it did in the film, but what Brantly did here is actually possible. It's not all fairy-tale.


Ha ha Microsoft.

The fact that Microsoft was started in a garage doesn't phase your idea that a no name shlub couldn't rise to such heights?


But do you think Microsoft is going to let some garage geek make something better than them in these times today?

Once corporations become corporations they stop caring about giving opportunities and start caring about maximizing profits.

All in all you're just a nother brick in the wall.


But that's the faulty logic. IBM/ AT&T were the big bad corporations when Microsoft and Apple came in. Anyone can upset the top dog. It does require something innovative though, be it technology (like what Microsoft and Apple provided) or business structure (like Wal Mart, or Google's business practices).


80s movies were largely feel-good. The original ending to Risky Business was supposed to be negative, but the producers changed it to match the times.
