Only 6.6?

How can anyone be so cruel as to give this movie anything below a 9? This is a classic movie. I think people who were born after 1990 should not be allowed to vote.


I'm with you. Ha ha. Makes my top 20 movies.


This isn't a great, original comedy, but everything about it is above average. The acting, the comic timing, the directing, the dialouge, the soundtrack, etc. The whole opening is like the ultimate 80's comedy opening scene.


Its a good movie, and 1980's classic in a fun kind of way. IMDB should setup an IMDB JR site for people under 18. I know that some teens have excellent taste in movies, but the one thing that is typically lacking at a young age is perspective. Newer films are too often viewed through the lens of "Nowiteous", or too often rated 10/10 for "best ever" or 1/10 "worst ever" .



Many good movies are rated around 6 on IMDB, while a lot of mediocre or just plain bad movies are rated above 8. I don't know if age has anything to do with it. I think it might be better if there was a "critic rating" along with the "user rating" on IMDB.

This was a fun movie by the way (coming from someone who was 7 when the movie was made and who watched it recently for the first time). Maybe not deserving a 9, but certainly more than 6.2. I think something between 7 and 8 would be more fair.


It is a solid all around movie. I think two things hurt it when looking back.

1) It is so obviously an 80's movie. If you didn't live thru the 80's and MJF Family Ties it loses a bit. It was a place and time.

2) It is more like a tv show than a belly laugh or romantic comedy. It walks the middle of the road. It doesn't get to gutsy and stays within a nice box.


I was born in 58 and I thought it sucked. It was a thin concept to start with, Alex Keaton goes to the big city. The soundtrack is awful to listen to now. All of those pre-fab synth heavy garbage songs.



It wasn't that good, and I first saw this movie on TV in the 90s when I was a young teenager. Saw it again, gave it a 6.
