MovieChat Forums > RoboCop (1987) Discussion > Stupidity of Youtubers makes no sense

Stupidity of Youtubers makes no sense

What the heck happened to spacing in the post titles here? Did they 'renew' things again uselessly?

In any case, I am so sick and tired of the stupidity of youtubers.

In 'Robin Hood: Men in Tights', youtubers NEVER understand the 'camera zoom joke', because their attention span doesn't hold for long enough to remember that there WAS a camera zoom just a moment ago, but from the camera's perspective. They don't remember it because too many seconds pass between the camera zoom and the camera crashing through the window - the common reaction is a confused 'what?'

In 'Airplane!', no one seems to get the spear hitting the wall, because they can't remember that the 'awful back projection joke' included an old western scene, because too many seconds have passed.

In 'Star Wars' (the original name of the movie), youtubers don't even bat an eye when they see the LUCAS-BOTCHED editions, where all kinds of badly-rendered dinosaurs and walking lizards waste the viewer's time, where normally the story would happen - they don't have a CLUE about the 'Despecialized Edition' (only ONE youtuber knew about this!), but the worst crime is that their tiny youtuber brains can't seem to question that in 1977, they rendered smoothly-animated dinosaurs and these vast, rendered scenes without problems.

A common comment is something like 'The effects are pretty good for 1977!'

It's like people have lost ALL sense of proportion, history, understanding of technology progression and so on. That crap WAS NOT POSSIBLE in 1977, dagnabit! It's like people saying 'green screen', when talking about Superman (1978).

Green-friggin-screens DID NOT EXIST IN 1978, you absolute #!@!%$s!!

Then we come to Robocop (1987) and the famous youtuber birdbrain viewpoint, as the scene where the criminal recognizes Robocop as someone they killed, because he says his famous line about coming with him whether deceased or living, appears on the screen.

Find me, PLEASE find me a youtuber that REALIZES THE REASON he recognizes Robocop. Please, I will give you a hundred cookies.

The youtuber's magnificent super-intelligence that I have alluded to previously in this post, OF COURSE manifests the giant-among-men-style ingenious realization that the criminal thug MUST recognize Robocop because part of his face is visible.

"How can he recognize Robocop by just the jaw and lips?", they wonder.

How many times must I bang my head against the table, how many foreheadslaps can one head withstand, how many eyerolls must one do, how many groans have to be let out into the space before all this stupidity ends?

Why must youtube 'reactors' (a cringy word in itself, because it already means something else, but whatever) be so stupid and ignorant? WHY?!

It makes no sense.

If you make a d4mn CAREER out of watching movies and 'reacting' to them, could you PLEASE at least do your friggin due diligence and homework and _KNOW_ something about the movies, stories and jokes before reacting to them? Could you AT LEAST research afterwards, if 'spoiling' is such an issue, and then in the edit, CORRECT your own stupidity? It NEVER happens!

It's always, 'ooh, cool effects for 1977', 'I don't get that spear joke', 'What? camera?', 'the green screen looks awful' and 'How can he recognize him from that tiny bit of face?'

*BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *SLAP* *ROLL* *GROAN* *AAAAAGGGHH LET ME OUT!!!* (sometimes you can't help a movie reference, because that's exactly how it feels)

I honestly do not want to exist on a planet where this kind of stupidity and ignorance is the norm, not to mention the 0.01-second attention spa.. what was I writing about again?


"I honestly do not want to exist on a planet where this kind of stupidity and ignorance is the norm, not to mention the 0.01-second attention spa.. what was I writing about again?"

I have to agree, the world has been dumbed down by something big. I would say the Internet and social media, but the Internet is far too important to do away with, for commerce and everything, but I'm happy to destroy all social media networks. I don't even use it much myself, and my Facebook presence is almost non-existent (four friends, one my sister, soon to become less). Twitter can go hang, as far as I'm concerned, and while YouTube can have redeeming value, I don't like the way it thinks I'm interested in ALL videos on a particular subject just because I've watched ONE on that particular subject!
