mine are... "im gonna be taking these diapers and...*UH* whatever cash u have" i never knew nicolas cage was funny
the scene where he pulls the pin is over the top (maybe a jab at 80s good guy bad guy flicks...) and when leonard notices it h.i. replies with *shrug* sorry LMAO i havent laughed that hard in a minute
One of my favorite lines is when the detectives ask Nathan Arizona what the baby was wearing at the time he was kidnapped, and Nathan replies "A dinner jacket. What do you think? His damn jammies!"
I have several favorites but I narrow it down a little bit. When Hi's in jail and he's narrating that there was always a sense of comradery among the men and right at that time he looks at the mean guy mopping the floor and he growls! Hi's cellmate is talking about what they had to eat when he was young and he says at one point they had to eat sand and Hi says "you had to eat what?"! I absolutely love the whole Huggies stealing scene, especially when the clerk starts to shoot back! Classic!
One of my favorite few seconds in the film is the scene where Hi is bending over to pick the Huggies up out of the street and a gun shot wizzes past making him stand up so fast that the legs of the panty hose shoot up in the air, looking for a brief moment like bunny ears.
Another fave is H.I. describing the doctor describing why they couldn't have kids. "He said that her insides were a rocky place where my seed could find no perches".
I also like when Nathan Arizona is being interviewed and one of the reporters asks about the possibility of alien abduction. "Son, don't print that. If his mother reads that, she's just gonna lose all hope."
"I know where they go old timer, I just need to know if I need to use pins or fasteners." When Gale is asking how to put on diapers.
"Balloons! These blow up into funny shapes? Naw, just circular."
These are all great, but my favorite has got to be "Federal B.I." when Nathan Arizona is describing the extent of law enforcement looking for Nathan Jr. Still to this day, I refer to the FBI as the Federal B.I.
I was trying to find out about where the name of the dance band "Utah Saints" came from and on their Fan site it says, "the name comes partly from the final lines spoken in one of their favourite films, Raising Arizona."
"I know you're partial to conveinient stores, but dammit HI, the sun don't rise and set on the corner grocery."
For some reason I laugh when the biker shoots the little lizard and grenades the little bunny.
Another funny thing is when HI is running through the supermarket trying to get the Huggies. He's got the cops and a pack of dogs on his tail, and just to add insult to injury, the store manager takes a shot at him. The injured look he gives as he turns to go back the other way is priceless to me.
When Dot said "or get carried off by a twister?", I started laughing uncontrollably and was the only one in the crowded theater laughing. My girlfriend actually got up and left because she was so embarassed.
Haaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaha i love you man same with my girl (she didn't leave just look at me sternly) i still try to use it i a sentence as often as possible to annoy her.