The Accents

Love this movie without a doubt, but I wonder why the actors all used southern/hick-type accents when it is set in Arizona.

I realize AZ is technically in "Old West" territory but no one I have ever met from AZ talks like a hick. I wonder if the directors did that intentionally to show that the characters themselves are a little big ignorant/poor/hick-ish??

"Hey guys! Whoa, Big Gulps huh? All right! Well, see ya later!" Dumb & Dumber


Totally intentional, we are normal out here. We have somewhat of a California accent due to a majority of people originating from there. A few native Arizonans from Yavapai County (Redneck Capital of Arizona, commonly referred to as "up north") went to my high school, they talked with a slight southern accent but not that bad.

This is my story. This is the sacrifice my father made. This was his gift to me.


so glad they did use the accents, I cannot even imagine the film without them

