Things I've Learned From Raising Arizona...
This movie is hilarious, and it has taught me a few life lessons:
1. With chairs you got a dinette set. No chairs, you got dick.
2. Nathan Arizona cannot differentiate between sleeping in nothing and jammies with Yodas and sh*t on'em.
3. Nobody would shop at a store called "Unpainted Huffheins"
4. When digging yourself out of prison, it's always a good idea to scream really loud. Nobody will hear you.
5. It's customary for the Tempe police department to shoot aimlessly into a residential neighborhood, even if their suspect is an unarmed diaper bandit wearing 'hose over his head.
6. Convenient store clerks as well as supermarket cashiers always store firearms beneath the counter.
7. The Tempe police force cannot catch an unarmed robber on foot. But, are very convenient to ask directions for the nearest Dunkin Donuts.
8. When preparing crawdads, be sure to add sand.
Would anybody else care to add?