Hard to believe the great JC made this POS!
All I can say is that John Carpenter must have had trouble raising funds for this one and decided to go for it on a shoestring budget.
shareAll I can say is that John Carpenter must have had trouble raising funds for this one and decided to go for it on a shoestring budget.
I think 'POD' was part of Carpenter's multi-film deal with ALIVE Films, which granted him--on the modestly budgeted projects in question--greater creative freedom and control of his movies. Final Cut may have been part of the deal...
Since 'Prince' was designed as a low budget production and they didn't bite off more than they could chew, I don't feel any contraints in watching it. And if working within more modest means helped Carpenter produce what is in my view one of his best films and a personal favorite of mine, it makes me wish he'd managed to make even more movies under these conditions.
Prince of Darkness was fine. Ghosts of Mars on the other hand...
shareThat's a good point you bring up. The script for POD was much better than Ghosts of Mars, yet Ghosts had much higher production values. The tone of POD was its best feature. I've never stopped recommending it to people.
shareAgreed. GOM, now thàt was a piece of excrement...
When I'm gone I would like something to be named after me. A psychiatric disorder, for example.
The picture is not big on character development but does present several intriguing possibilities about our perception of reality. I was 15 when this film was released and at that time I had never really given any thought to the possibility that we were on the "anti" particle side of things, a very "Twilight Zone" like concept.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a shoestring budget, either. I think Carpenter did a great job, within whatever budget he had, creating a supremely creepy and terrifying concept, some of which worked really well on screen. Like all of Carpenter's films, there are little things here and there that could have been tweaked but "POD" is still one of my go-to scary movies.
Agreed, rodicus. Carpenter delivered his best work when he was working with lower budgets. Like someone else mentioned earlier in the thread, he signed a deal with Alive Films to do three movies (though the third never came to fruition) that gave him more freedom and creative control. Carpenter didn't enjoy working on bigger studio pictures and was very cynical about the industry. He purposely sought out a deal like this so that he could make the films he wanted to.
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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
It may not be a personal favorite—I prefer Carpenter’s late 70s/early 80s films—but it’s still a solid effort, with some particularly creepy sequences. The “pray for death” scene holds up just as well as Michael Myers’ rising from the floor behind an unsuspecting Laurie.