MovieChat Forums > Prince of Darkness (1987) Discussion > You think Carpenter liked to occasionall...

You think Carpenter liked to occasionally cast his lookalikes? :)

The protagonists from this movie, The Fog and Halloween 3 all have similar physical traits to him. Tall, thin, mustachey. :)


I thought he seemed like a poor man's Tom Atkins, as well. Haha.


Yep. The first time I saw this, I was watching it with a friend and the first thing they said was "This guy must be on the Atkins diet." Hehe


I thought Tom Atkins was the poor man's Tom Atkins.

Sad story. You got a smoke?


I've always thought the same exact thing. JC also loves women with really big chests as his leading lady, too, which also traces back to his ex-wife Adrienne Barbeau.


I have to agree, there's probably some truth to that. However,for my part, I must say that Adrienne Barbeau is both a talented actor, and an incredibly beautiful woman. Truthfully, she's not really my type; but there's something very alluring about her that goes beyond mere looks...


Awhile back I asked if the role was written for Atkins. Most people agreed he was too old, but I would have loved to have seen him in this.


Carpenter has said in interviews that all of his male protagonists are versions of himself. He basically writes himself into the roles.
