Extras from the French DVD
Even though Scream!Factory have us a GREAT Blu-ray of the film, there are a couple of unique bonus features on the French DVD of Prince of Darkness. DVDBeaver has a screenshot of the French DVD's bonus feaures menu.
So, just wondering, is there any chance someone could upload the "presentation par John Carpenter" and/or the "analyse de dequence par John Carpenter" special features onto youtube or dailymotion or something?
Oh, and just incase anyone wants it, here is some of the notation (with some modification by me regarding the exponents) of the differential equations in the film.
b = π∑∫|<k|V|pa'≥|2δ(W’-W)δ2p
= π∑∫∫∫|k|V|Pwxa’>|2δ(W’-W)R2dP*sin(w)dwdx
= π∑P’w’c^2∫∫|<k|V|P’wxa’>|2*sin(w)dwdx
∴(4 πh2W)/(c2P) = (b|< k|V|pa'≥|2)/(E’-Em-a)^2+b^2
(E’-E) |H’> = V|H’>
(W’-W) < p h’|H’>
=∑∫<ph’|V|p“h” ≥ δ2p”<p”h” |H’>
+ ∑∫<ph’|V|k”><k”|H’>
= <ph|V|k>< k|H>
(E’-E)< k|H’