MovieChat Forums > Predator (1987) Discussion > The very strange end credits...

The very strange end credits...

I'd probably noticed this before and forgotten about it. The end photo credits are very weird. It's a combination of action shots from the movies, and actors being a combination of the character and actors.


I agree, it was a fun end credits but odd as well.

Imagine if the end credits for The Predator have the new lead actor dancing with the Predator in the credits while giving the thumbs up to the camera LOLOLOL


Not really weird, a few movies do this. Airplane!, Revenge of the Nerds, The Blues Brothers. I wish more movies would do this

I did sixty in five minutes once...


Dune did a variation as well. I liked it a lot actually.


Clue had similar end credits as well. As did both Ghostbusters movies.

Green Goblin is great!


The difference is those are comedies, so it works. Predator is a somewhat serious, gritty, very intense thriller/horror film about people getting hunted and mutilated by a vicious alien creature.


All the end shots are in-character.
Each one is meant to be a brief moment with that character, as a friendly nod to the audience, which is also why you don't get the Pred featured.

Very nicely done, IMO.


I think the "nod" is what he was talking about. Each of the actors break the fourth wall and it takes them out of character.


i wish someone would give the predator a big hug

he (or she) feels left out

imagine the predator sitting on a couch watching TV and eating.. raw meat


I both like and dislike the beginning of the closing credits. On the one hand, it is a cool tribute to the characters and is kind of an old school curtain call. On the other hand, it sort of ruins the illusion for me that these guys (except Arnie) all just got gutted by a predatory, advanced alien who hunts ony for sport and who has no remorse.

Take or leave.



So true


I love the comedy end credits. And it ruined nothing for me. I was absolutely aware the whole time watching the movie that these guys were not, in reality, being hunted down by an alien creature.


What I found weird and didn't like is that Arnie didn't smile and didn't look at the camera. Come on, man, relax a little!


I'm just on my way up to Clavius.


Arnold didn't film an end "nod" like the others. His was just a scene grab from the movie. He was too special I guess!


It's similar to what they do in theatre when the show finishes - the cast come out for a final bow in front of a rapturous audience. Same thing applies to film, I guess. Predator had such a small cast and confined setting that it felt almost like a play in itself. Lots of movies from that time did the same thing like Top Gun, Spaceballs and The 'Burbs.

Personally, I love the end credits to Predator. It ends the film on such a happy note, and reminds you of all the cool, bad ass characters in the cast that you just watched in the film. They deserved that bow, it's a real likable and colorful cast, the kind you don't see much anymore.

Commence Operation... Vacu-suck


agreed :)



Commence Operation... Vacu-suck


I love the end credits.
