Did not age well at all

Just watched this for the first time since it was in the theaters. Not funny. A slog even at 90 minutes.


It was released in 1987 and, O God, it looks like 1987! They don't have cell phones! How can I watch something so DATED?!!! Classic comedy always ages well, and this movie is a classic. It will still be funny fifty years from now, just as many of the comedies of the 1930s are still funny today.


I agree. It's absolutely a hilarious and entertaining film, year after year. Even now, after having seen it many times, certain scenes can still get a legit laugh out of me.


This post makes me think modern audiences are too dumb to understand the greatness of this movie.


Your comment tells me you don't know what the word think means.


I did not care for this movie when I saw it in 1987 in the theater. I watched it again probably 20 years later and liked it. I watch it every year now. I think you have to be a little older to appreciate it.


Ah, that must be it. I've gotten younger over the years...


Maybe eventually you'll be old enough to appreciate the film. It's an awesome movie.


At least its better than Christmas Vacation, one of the most painfully unfunny movies I’ve ever seen.


About Christmas Vacation . . agreed. I don't go on about it to those who love the film, but I'll give a salute to people in the same camp who feel as I do. I just cannot see the appeal of the film, then again, everyone is wired differently -- especially where comedy is concerned -- but for me it's not the least bit humorous, it is in fact (as you put it) . . . . painful.


Do you mean National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation? Randy Quaid was really funny as a slob in that film. Chevy was good too imo. Some don't care for him. Comedy is subjective.

It is not as good as Planes, Trains and Automobiles. Really funny and good to watch during the holidays.


I can't imagine that anyone can legit hold that opinion. I love Christmas movies, and if I had to pick one as my very favorite, Christmas Vacation might have to be it.

It's hilarious and has a great spirit to it.


Christmas Vacation did away with the smart, character driven humor of the original and replaced it with childish slapstick. Now this can work for let’s say your average episode of home improvement but not for 90 minutes. I cannot figure out what people find so funny about it


MUCH of the humor is slapstick, but not all, and even then I like the broad gags. But beyond the humor, I also think the film has great characters, that it speaks to the real experiences of people who have to deal with obnoxious families during the holidays, and that ultimately it exemplifies the spirit of Christmas by the end.


Just about all the humor is slapstick and it’s all basically “how much can Clark fuck up his house in 90 minutes”. There are no good characters moments and it doesn’t speak to anyone’s real experiences. It’s not funny and it’s overrated, but I’m glad you got something out of it


I think the OP didn't age well.


Yeah dumb assessment this didn't age well. I'd say it's a classic.


It's a classic for sure.


Your thread did not age well. It is at least 2 years old. Only three sentences but it was a "slog" to read it.

This is a wonderful comedy. Really funny! Great for the holidays.


It was a the sweetest sight I ever saw.


This is one of the movies I missed during the 1987 Thanksgiving/Christmas holiday season. I don't know why I practically saw everything else. I was in Oklahoma City stationed at an Air Force Base nearby. I do remember there were TWO historic snowstorms that holiday season, one of them was Christmas Day. I remember this because I had to drive through the snow to sign out a bunch of codes to the AWACS(big plane with radar dome on top) Alert Crew, which was swapping out that day. I was 22 years old driving through a snowstorm on Christmas Day thinking to myself "I've got to get out of the Midwest".

The next year I got shipped overseas and rarely since have I returned to the Midwest. Around 1990 I was in a dorm in Turkey overseas and my friend had this movie on VHS. We laughed so hard at the devil scene one of the funniest times I had there. I think this is John Candy's best movie and Steve Martin's 1st or 2nd best as well. Martin's next movie, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, might be his funniest ymmv.


I might agree that is both Candy's and Martin's best film. At the very least, it's the one that I find most rewatchable. It's not just funny, but has a sweet spirit and real heart.
