Would you have brought Del home?

I wouldn't have. He couldn't get rid of the guy when he was traveling with him. I would have given him some money and maybe pointed him to a few shelters or job opportunities, but I wouldn't have brought him home.


Definitely. How could you have a heart and not invite him home? Everyone deserves to be with family or people on Thanksgiving (and not just dropped off at some shelter.) It makes me sad to read comments saying otherwise, and I'm sure the people who wrote them get nothing real out of this movie.

The first time I saw PT&A, the ending nearly broke my heart & I cried a little the next time or two. Amazing film - comedy and a solid message that so many are obviously in need of, a.k.a. the people here who would just drop somebody on Thanksgiving. Have a heart!



I am surprised no one mentioned this, but my main concern were the kids.

Sure, Del seems like a nice guy. But they only knew each other for a couple of days. There are people like Del who seem like nice guys and are really monsters.

Del was still a stranger and was a potential risk for the young kids.

When I was young, I totally agreed that Neil should invite him over. But as an adult, and has someone who has work family cases, I have my reservations.


I would have, I think anyone with a good heart would.

Maybe nowhere as where Neil would have took him in due to me not being wealthy but I would at least let him stay a day or two for some rest and meet the family. I would talk to him about staying and settling down because for a guy his age traveling the roads woulda killed him eventually due to the stress of it. It would take a lot of work to get him settled though. I agree some help in the form of therapy or support groups would be a big help for him. He fled from his heart break and never addressed it properly. He eventually has to do so to become stable and move on.

He may never get married again but it would have been very possible for him to find a better job and some happiness in his life. He was very good at what he did and had a wonderful personality he could have excelled at anything Neil could have gotten him. I see him working at the same firm with Neil he would be a natural marketing guy.


I would have had him over to the house and then helped set him up in a shelter. I would not have allowed him to stay for dinner. Just a quick visit and then a cab to the shelter.



Not a chance. And I am a wonderful person. You've just gotta draw a line somewhere.


If Neal hadn’t brought him home, the storyline arc wouldn’t be fulfilled, and I don’t think the movie would be nearly as loved and cherished as it is today. Yes, the movie is a comedy first and foremost, but John Hughes wanted to also make a point about hearts changing and softening.
