1. When you go to Hawaii never admit you're from Arizona, say you're from around L.A. or the mainland instead. 2. Putting your stuff in bushes is not a good enough hiding spot. 3. If you're stuff is taken, don't worry, the locals are stupid enough to wear it the next day. 4. If you order a drink you can't afford wait til a fight ensues and then sneak out.
This is one of those 'everyone can contribute posts' but you have to know the movie pretty well to be able to do it. I can think of several more, but it's more fun when other people contribute.
23. If you're the best surfer in Arizona, you're still the worst surfer everywhere else.
24. If you help out a homeless kid that you randomly meet outside a store, watch out, because he'll probably steal your job, move into your boss's house, and never even say thank you.
25. You should probably call that weird old guy that offered to let you stay at his place in Hawaii six months ago before you fly four thousand miles and surprise him in a strip club.
53. If you're gonna get a freaky bug-eyed insect mask to wear on Halloween, don't wait till the last minute, "like it was tha last one, bra."
54. Locals get together to dance, sing, eat whole fish, and welcome unknown haoles--so long as the hot local wahine invites them.
55. Rain can start and stop instantaneously, and when it does you need to say, "whoops."
56. If you pull the surfboard leash of your competitor, even way out at the break, everyone on the beach will immediatley know what you did and they'll all hate you. Alex won't carry your board anymore, either.
57. They're only "twelve" if someone says so, otherwise they're fair game.
58. Surfing down the street on a makeshift skateboard/bicycle makes you look fricking awesome, despite the douchebag left and right swaying movements.
59. Hui Chicks - Be Careful! 60. It's Aloe - It's Natural Antiseptic 61. The Hui are descended from Ancient Hawaiian Kings - Not Petty Thieves 62. if you want to make it out into the line up you need to "Duck Dive"
63. rick is so haole, he don't even know he's haole. 64. aloe is mo betta den stitches. 65. vince is not a talker or a fighter. just a surfer who mind controls da hui. 66. if you took his stuff, you beat him up.
Elliot: but that doesn't make sense JD: "so does your face" always makes sense
71. if you meet someone from hawaii who says you can stay with him when you are in hawaii, he probably doesn't mean it. and he especially doesn't mean it if he runs a bar in honolulu, and if he's australian.
79. It's not redundant to explain when you will stop calling someone "barney", while addressing them as "barney" 80. Turtle's Big Gun, though sometimes mistaken as Rick's, has good lines, a good design, and is beautiful.
84: Turtle will act all nice to you when he says goodbye to you at the airport, but he is really just trying to bang your wahine babe. 85: Don't wear a leash if Lance Burkhart needs a win.
88. The hot Wahine chick that you will inevitably pick up despite her family's resistance to you, will also wait years for you to return to Hawaii when you're done with school....
91. It's all about the spiritual side of life and being one with the ocean ... especially if you're an entrepreneurial, middle-aged, world class surfboard shaper who has acquired enough personal wealth to afford and own beachfront property in Hawaii.
Laird Hamilton has a thruster(3-fin board) mentality. and he's such a skilled surfer, that he can get a brand new board that just came off the shaping room and surf with it without waxing it before.
107. A real surfer goes with the wave. 108. If you move your foot a little bit, it really makes a big difference. 109. As long as you're with Chandler (or you are Chandler), the Hui can get in line (to catch a wave) just like everyone else. 110. A late takeoff will result in a terrible wipe out or a broken board. 111. If you're a good surfer, but you're not careful, the Professor just might make you a cover boy for all those surfer magazines. 112. When Vince Mokaloka, the head of the Hui calls you Haole-boy, but then flashes you the Shaka sign, you're O.K. with him -- even though you're still a Haole-boy.
101. Rick's mother was under the impression that he wanted to be a designer. 102. Lisa gives out silver surfer belt buckles and kisses. 103. If one paddles in for a board change during a surf contest, this will cost him time. But not points.