In what way was Frank Martin Ted's rival?
In what way was he Ted's rival? Can you please explain to me?
shareIn what way was he Ted's rival? Can you please explain to me?
shareBoth gangs were personality cults involved in the stolen car business. FM's gang was based around FM and his preference for Mafia-type strong-arm tactics (open show of violent force). Ted's gang was based around subtlety and deception (presenting a facade of being a legitimate business). This distinction is reflected in the choice of cars to represent each gang: 'muscle' car (Chevy) vs 'precision' car (Porsche). Old school vs new school. Old age vs youth. Ted's car thefts threatened FM's status as a 'protection' taker from businesses in the area.
shareIn what way did Ted's car theft threatened Frank Martin's status as a protection taker?
shareFM raised funds for himself and his gang by approaching legitimate businesses as a 'security' provider. He would collect a local tax from them. If they did not pay up, something bad would happen to them or their business. This worked because FM told them he was the big man in town, and nobody would dare attack a business under his 'protection'. Ted came from a different social background and didn't care about FM ruling the underbelly of the town. So he took those cars regardless, and this made FM angry because it looked like he was losing control of the criminal elements and therefore couldn't guarantee the 'security' or 'protection' of local businesses.
shareI see. So who was more evil? Frank Martin or Ted?
shareThe moral relativity question is difficult to answer. Everyone in this movie is shown to do both good and bad things. Nobody is purely good or evil. Ted's hot sister is shown to be like a Porsche car: anyone can have one if they can pay, and if you break the law with it it's not the car's fault. Ted is shown being nice to his friends and family, but FM isn't shown being nice to anyone. But we don't know how he deals with his friends and family.
shareOk. So was Frank Martin totally bad or did he also have a good side?
shareThe FM character is one-dimensional. In the movie he is purely emotional: either angry (chasing or beating someone) or happy (dancing in a club). His profession is crime. Whether crime is 'evil' is hard to say. However, in general, in the movie he is consistent to his own values as a criminal seeking unlawful gain and enjoyment. In that sense, we cannot say he is simply 'evil'. This is because his consistency can be interpreted as integrity and lack of duplicity.
The blue Chevrolet Camaro that Frank Martin was driving was it stolen?