SPOILERS Why did they kill off Nancy in the film

They could have put her in at least one more sequel ....


For me Nancy's arc was over at the end of NOES, so I really didn't mind her death here.
Even if NOES 3 is when the franchise jumped the shark...

It was really satisfying to see almost all of these wannabe heroes (spoilers) die at the beginning of NOES 4.


I agree, I just loved Nancy's character so much. I just got done watching ANOES 3 and I feel as if it was a bit overrated, what did you think?


Well I never noticed before you mentioned it but on IMDb, ANOES 3 is indeed ranked higher than ANOES 2 (which was a decent flick) and ANOES 4.

ANOES 4 wasn't that bad either, if you don't take into account that cringe worthy ending. But I don't know if you've seen it already so I'll keep my mouth shut ;-)

Anyway, I guess Dream Warriors is so high only because Heather Langenkamp and John Saxon appeared in it.

(Damn, it's also higher than ANOES 5! I really can't understand, but I have no love for Dream Warriors so...)


Just watched it, thought it (ANOES 4) much better than ANOES 3. It was my favorite sequel so far in the series. I agree though the ending was a bit ridiculous.


At least it was better than the kid going all Harry Potter on Freddy in ANOES 3... Man, I can't get this out of my head when I think of this movie.

There's one silly thing I really liked in ANOES 4, that "chest lady" at the end (you know the one) made it to the credits (as "Soul from Freddy's Chest"). It isn't much but hey.

I guess you're going to watch ANOES 5 soon. I won't say much, but I really liked the beginning and I hope you will too ;-) It's darker, there's still some goofy stuff here and there (not really in a good way) but it's still enjoyable and better than ANOES 3 IMO!

Well, you'll make your own opinion ;-)


Yes haha we seem to have the same opinion when it comes ANOES bc that Harry potter type thing in 3 was ridiculous, and i liked the "chest lady" too, also the part with the meatball pizza in 4 was also pretty great.

I am going to watch 5 in the next few days looking forward to it, I'll be sure to let you know if I like it!!


It's because it was Linnea Quigley, who's a well-known B-movie scream queen of the 80s.


Heather Langenkamp can't act


Frankly I only really liked the first 3 and think 4 and 5 suck. Freddy's dead is inferior to the first 3 but I found it way more fun than 4 or 5.


I always hated the fact that they did that as well. It affected me way more than it should have when I was younger, which I guess was the point, haha.

Nancy should have been the one to make it through Freddy. I’m glad they made “New Nightmare”, because I wanted another movie that featured Heather Langencamp.

I think the best Nightmare movies are the original, obviously, and this one, and “New Nightmare”, even if it went off the rails for the final act. The other sequels are entertaining enough, but they weren’t very good in my opinion. Stand up comedy Freddy didn’t do it for me, even though you could make the argument it started with this sequel, but he was still creepy in this one.


it was sad but it made sense. Idk what else they could have her in a sequel unless they gave her Lisa Zane's role in Freddy's dead which may have fekt redundant to some. At least she kinda came back in New Nightmare
